Chamber construction:
Fall back type Single / Double door equipped with double laminated glass doors for a full view-in-process and optimal sound and heat isolation.
Process sequence
The washer should perform pre-rinsing, cleaning, post-rinsing, thermal disinfection, final rinsing and drying phases. Validated programs are secured by access code. Detergents and rinse agents would be automatically dispensed during the cycle.
2 dosing pump for process chemicals, instrument lubricants/ enzymatic cleaners.
Dual drying mechanism with heat exchanger, fan, condenser and HEPA-filter.
- The system is equipped with process tank. For shortest possible filling and draining phases, higher capacity quick opening valves are used so that short total process time is achieved.
- Cleansable spray arms is located at the top and bottom of the chamber.
- Chamber is equipped with cleansable spray arms between each shelf so as to facilitate water to reach all the surfaces which needs to be cleaned.
- The drying air ispre-heated in a heat exchanger.
- The washer is equipped with independent temperature monitoring and validation test port
- Circulating water pressure monitoring system.
- The differential pressure monitoring for HEPA filter.
- Washer is equipped with audible alarm that alerts if error code occurs