Bungs are generally used as a stopper in vials and these are to be sterilized as they are in direct contact with the product. Though using Pre sterilized bungs in the market is not recommended due to various handling and transportation issues leading to questions on sterility. Bung processer are designed for fully treatment of sealing devices for pharmaceutical products, like rubber and plastic stoppers, droppers, metal rings and similar components. The BUNG PROCESSOR is fitted with a Clean in Place (CIP) system for washing the chamber and the rotating carriage to prevent the dirt released during one phase from being carried over into the subsequent phases.
- Inner Chamber : SS 316
- Steam Jacket : SS 316
- Working pressure : 1.2kg/cm2 & 2.1kg/cm2
- Working Temperature : 1210C / 1340C
- Door : Radial or Sliding door (Vertical/Horizontal)
- Mode of control : PLC/ SCADA
- Pressure switch : An automatic pressure switch adjustable type is provided to set the required pressure.
- Pre-vacuum and Post vacuum : To eliminate air packs and ensure effective sterilization.
- Vacuum drying : An effective vacuum drying is caused with powerful ejector and vacuum breaker which draws air from the atmosphere. It is filtered, pre-heated(sterilized) and finally enters the working chamber for effective drying.
- Jacket cooling recirculation system with plate heat exchanger and level controller
- Heat Exchanger is provided for condensate cooling to bring the condensate below 6000C
- Sterile Air purging to ensure proper fluidization of the bungs
- Siliconizing through recycling pump
- Rotating drum bung processing facility with automatic discharge
- Suitable Trays , Carriage and Trolleys are provided